, Now that school has started back, my neighborhood is pretty quiescent during the day. This is whitherward despair can lead a young person, whose blood is not so quiescent as if he were seventy. , $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["45ba4f61-76ac-4b3d-94d4-c9019d2ebe3c"]); }), $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["418b1e7b-a189-47b4-952a-43e52a926ad5"]); }), $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["9b588b9a-598a-47f4-bc83-ba2fd303e5df"]); }). quiescent definition: 1. temporarily quiet and not active: 2. temporarily quiet and not active: . , During the quiescent phase of the lab, we simply observe and note the growth of the cells. , After the mediation between the two warring countries, the region became quiescent. Several quiescent volcanic peaks, reaching 5700 ft., occupy most of the island, and are covered with forests. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Stan stared for hours at the quiescent scene of the Japanese rock garden. Relaxed, passive stretching prepares your muscles for the quiescent period which follows your workout. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. This eminence is itself due to an outflow of lava from that mountain, during some previous eruption in prehistoric times, for we know from Strabo that Vesuvius had been quiescent ever since the first records of the Greek settlements in this part of Italy. Dinizulu, however, remained at the time quiescent, though the Zulus were in a state of excitement over incidents connected with the war, when they had been subject to raids by Boer commandoes, and on one occasion at least had retaliated in characteristic Zulu fashion. See Synonyms at inactive. Learn more. But the French were too weak in these seas for offensive movements, and therefore remained quiescent at Bourbon and Mauritius till the beginning of 1782. An example of something that would be described as quiescent is a tumor that is dormant and not causing any type of health problems or growing at the time. : Was there nothing that he could do which would produce for him, if not gratification, then at least quiescence? Use aquiescent in a sentence, aquiescent meaning?, aquiescent definition, how to use aquiescent in a sentence, use aquiescent in a sentence with examples So – how long will the people of Azerbaijan remain quiescent?. He remained quiescent for five years, but busied himself in knitting up secret alliances with the Welsh of the South, who were resenting the introduction of English laws and customs by the strong-handed king. It is a region of quiescence or of faulting, but not of folding. Quiet, still, or inactive. This is a quiescent Southern seaside town: 8. It is wise to choose transistors with greater gain to favor lower quiescent current. 6. quiescent a in a sentence - Use "quiescent a" in a sentence 1. While the bees are quiescent early in the morning and in the evening, they … For some three years the mullah remained quiescent, but in Evacuation 1908 he quarrelled with the Mijertins and in 1909 he of the was again raiding tribes in the British protector Interior. But in the 13 years since, things have been quiescent. . and their form to the normal urocesses of sculpture which, having become nearly quiescent at the close,of the Mesozoic cycle, became active again in Tertiary and later times. 2. The quiescent point also refers to the dc conditions (bias conditions) of a circuit without an input signal. The defenders could in fact afford to remain quiescent. quiescent in a sentence - Use "quiescent" in a sentence 1. For reducing the quiescent dissipation of the systemSentencedictcom so it is necessary to exist for the ambipolar power: 9. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. The quiescent state list of example sentences with quiescent state. The type of quiescent VVVF inverter and design characteristic of inverter - fed motor is introduced. It propagates by minute zoospores, by large quiescent spores, or by large active spores clothed with cilia. Frequent Predecessors. , As long as the protest remains quiescent, the police will not be called. , Because Jane has been quiescent while recovering from her surgery, she has put on a few pounds. Certain springs and geysers lose some of their energy at intervals, while others gain; certain geysers have become quiescent, but some new ones have been formed. It can be challenging for therapy to kill nondividing cells sometimes referred to as quiescent cells.. How to use Quiescent in a sentence? Examples of Quiescence in a sentence Although the inactive volcano has been in a state of quiescence for quite some time, it could erupt again very soon. Although the rise of the Hebrew state, at an age when the great powers were quiescent and when such a people as the Philistines is known to have appeared upon the scene, is entirely intelligible, it is not improbable that legends of Saul and David, the heroic founders of the two kingdoms, have been put in a historical setting with the help of later historical tradition. 74 sentence examples: 1. It befitted the day, a day outwardly so quiescent, yet in which so much was going on. flagellumes, however, an ameba will issue from the spore, remain quiescent for a few minutes, and then develop flagella. If only the police would remain quiescent for an hour or two more, the danger would be over. All Rights Reserved. 2. 4. Lentiviral vectors, a subgroup of retroviruses, are capable of infecting non-dividing, but not truly quiescent cells. These cookies do not store any personal information. Spanish Translation of “quiescent” | The official Collins English-Spanish Dictionary online. , Ever since the police department hired ten new officers, crime has been rather quiescent in our town. Near the coast in the state of Vera Cruz is San Martin, or Tuxtla (9708 ft.), which has been quiescent since its violent eruption of the 2nd of March 1 793. Learn more. Now that school has started back, my neighborhood is pretty quiescent during the day. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Check the meaning of quiescent. He simply tied the band around the quiescent device and it became almost weightless. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. How to use quiescent in a sentence is shown in this page. Under yet other conditions the quiescent yeast-cells floating on the surface of the fermented liquor grow out into elongated sausage-shaped or cylindrical cells and branching cell-series, which mat together into mycelium-like veils. So - how long will the people of Azerbaijan remain quiescent?. : Let me request silence, absolute silence, and quiescence of thought even. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. quiescent seeds are ripe seeds that do not See more. In some cicads the mature nymph ceases to feed and remains quiescent within a pillar-shaped earthen chamber. Sentence Examples for quiescent. They do not represent the opinions of YourDictionary.com. by BuildMyVocab. , While the bees are quiescent early in the morning and in the evening, they are overactive in the middle of the day. Khanna (Prem Chopra) takes advantage of Raj's quiescent personality and asks him to marry his niece, Madhuri (Sonali Bendre). PLUS the quiescent current of a decent inverter is now down to about a third of an amp. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. How to use quiescent state in a sentence. He later wrote Greene, " The daiquiris didn't bother my sinus, which, if I indeed have one, has so far been as quiescent as my liver. 2. Apparently the parasites may remain quiescent in the blood for years and may cause relapses by fresh sporulation. On these lonely hills and dales her quiescent glide was of a … Whether a spore results from the sexual union of two similar gametes (zygospore) or from the fertilization of an egg-cell by the protoplasm of a male organ (oospore); or is developed asexually as a motile (zoospore) or a quiescent body cut off from a hypha (conidium) or developed along its course (oidium or chlamydospore), or in its protoplasm (endospore), are matters of importance which have their uses in the classification and terminology of spores, though in many respects they are largely of academic interest. The Democrats'peace wing was largely quiescent as Kerry stressed his Vietnam battle experience, not his later leadership in Vietnam Veterans Against the War. This demographic group will be less politically quiescent, more flexible and less predictable, " predicts Kenway. Some of them progress to more advanced disease, in others infection appears to remain quiescent. And here she was, at midnight, hobnobbing with quiescent murder and … 3. coast of the South Andaman; the remarkable marine volcano, Barren Island (1 so ft.), quiescent for more than a century, 71 m. Then we have Beard's " germ-cell " hypothesis, in which he holds that many of the germ-cells in the growing embryo fail to reach their proper position - the generative areas - and settle down and become quiescent in some somatic tissue of the embryo. 3. For once, our hyperactive Great Dane is quiescent and resting on the rug. (2) The Dark Elves lay quiescent in Naggaroth. Quiescence. quiescent current of a decent inverter is now down to about a third of an amp. This demographic group will be less politically quiescent, more flexible and less predictable, predicts Kenway. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Egmont (8340 ft.) is quiescent, but its symmetrical form and dense clothing of forest make it the most beautiful of the three. Quiescence sentence examples. quiescent point also refers to the dc conditions (bias conditions) of a circuit without an input signal. The quiescent ellipsoidal surface, over which the motion is entirely tangential, is the one for which (a2+X)d? It is now, in fact, generally admitted that metamorphosis has been acquired comparatively recently, and Scudder in his review of the earliest fossil insects states that " their metamorphoses were simple and incomplete, the young leaving the egg with the form of the parent, but without wings, the assumption of which required no quiescent stage before maturity.". How To Use Quiescent In A Sentence? 20 sample sentences for QUIESCENT. of Ephemeridae and in the quiescent or resting stages of Thysanoptera, Aleurodidae and Coccidae. In solitude, the emotions are too quiescent to be explored and analyzed. Quiescent in a sentence (1) The political situation was now relatively quiescent. Quiescent and uncritical. The treatment is designed to affect killing of diseased cells, not quiescent normal cells. The stern government of Nicholas was, however, so far effective that Poland remained quiescent during the Crimean War, in which many Polish soldiers fought in the Russian army. Others were pulled from our literature database. By clicking “Accept”, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Over 100,000 Spanish translations of English words and phrases. These years seem relatively quiescent in terms of UFO activity. Sentences Containing 'quiescent' They may scorn cash now; but let some months go by, and no perspective promise of it to them, and then this same quiescent cash all at once mutinying in them, this same cash would soon cashier Ahab. Words that often come before quiescent in sentences. ‘The contours of African life through the relatively quiescent decade after 1963 were moulded by demographic and social change as much as by repression.’ ‘In haploid yeast, cells arrest in the G 1 phase of the cell cycle and enter a quiescent phase referred to as G 0.’ quiescent Western states of the USA were stirred to protest by this flagrant disregard of the Rules of the Sea. (I) the larger part of the hypodermis that exists in the maggot or caterpillar and is disf e b solved at the metamorphosis; (2) parts that remain comparatively quiescent previously, and that grow and develop when the other parts degenerate. 13. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. 55 7 The prominences are of two kinds, quiescent and eruptive. of its nearest neighbour, and therefore scarcely belongs geographically to the group, all the islands are considerably elevated, with several extinct or quiescent craters rising from 2000 ft. Even the normally quiescent Western States of the USA were stirred to protest by this flagrant disregard of the Rules of the Sea. Although these are the most obvious characters of life, they cannot be detected in quiescent seeds, which we know to be alive, and they are displayed in a fashion very like life by inorganic foams brought in contact with liquids of different composition. 1 editor-approved samples. The most distinctive feature of the deer of this group is, however, the patch of long erectile white hairs on the buttocks, which, although inconspicuous when the animals are quiescent, is expanded into a large chrysanthemum-like bunch when they start to run or are otherwise excited. It has been quiescent since 1566, and is now completely extinct. Tips for Using quiescent in a Sentence. Sentence with the word quiescent. , You have no reason to be concerned about the quiescent volcano. : Then, in unison, both earthquake and wind died to absolute quiescence. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Both these preparations should only be used in cases where it is possible to exclude any tuberculous foci, or by their action in breaking down protective fibrous tissues they may cause a quiescent lesion to become active. Here it becomes encysted, and losing its boring apparatus and claw-bearing processes remains for a time quiescent. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Many of the Icelandic volcanoes during their periods of quiescence are covered with snow and ice. (against Assurbanipal), it appears to have been generally quiescent. Example sentences for: quiescent How can you use “quiescent” in a sentence? ; Louis had hoped to avoid any use of arms and to coerce his rebellious nobles into quiescence by other methods. 6. The definition of quiescent is something or someone dormant or in a period of inactivity. The newly hatched insect closely resembles the parent, and the wing-rudiments appear externally on the second and third thoracic segments; but before the final moult the nymph remains quiescent, taking no food. quiescent in a sentence and translation of quiescent in Turkish dictionary with audio pronunciation by dictionarist.com The Forgotten Planet Murray Leinster Jack, dragged down by pain, and exhausted in the intervals of each paroxysm was quiescent. In a quiescent posture, the body generally assumes a perfectly rotund appearance; and it sometimes, but only rarely, supports itself by resting the point of its bill on the ground. . But experience in other parts of Japan shows that a long quiescent crater may at any moment burst into disastrous activity. All the volcanoes in the group were then quiescent. Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary: Recent studies show that priming of quiescent ECs with appropriate cytokines could switch-on the EC transcription machinery, the genes and protein products of which could activate ECs. (3) So Argos remained quiescent, and did not, for example, molest Mykenai and Tiryns, which took part in the war. The Allies, on the other hand, were practically compelled to remain quiescent. , The medication helps my hyper son remain quiescent. But generally these volcanoes are quiescent. This formation process constitutes the majority of the 90- to 120-day bone cycle, which then passes into the quiescent phase. quiescent meaning: 1. temporarily quiet and not active: 2. temporarily quiet and not active: . Two different pulse amplitudes corresponding For example: "the quiescent" or "a quiescent" the; a; and; of; is The prominences are of two kinds, quiescent and eruptive. Notes on how the figures above have been obtained: The times above are elapsed time on otherwise quiescent systems. Quiescent definition, being at rest; quiet; still; inactive or motionless: a quiescent mind. You may have an easier time writing sentences with quiescent if you know what words are likely to come before or after it, or simply what words are often found in the same sentence. Bertram was perfectly quiescent and eruptive the protest remains quiescent within a pillar-shaped earthen chamber the Forgotten Planet Murray Jack... Terms of UFO activity it can be challenging for therapy to kill nondividing cells sometimes to! Pupal stage on the land before metamorphosis into the quiescent point also refers to the conditions. Ten new officers, crime has been quiescent into disastrous activity: then, in unison, earthquake! Formation process constitutes the majority of the Japanese rock garden died to absolute quiescence passive prepares... 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