"Karachay Jamaat: Countermeasures, Connections and Composition, Part 2." (British Broadcasting Corporation 11/18/99) The last subunits of the special-purpose militia sent to Karachay-Cherkessia in the wake of the May elections left the republic on November 21st, once Russian officials were satisfied that the situation had stabilized. The demonstrators said the company's coverage of developments in Karachay-Cherkessia was biased. The lake becomes a monster during October and November. See: Russia formally annexes Karachay territories. 89 percent of the Karachay-Cherkessian electorate votes in a referendum to support the unity of the republic. Soon after, nuclear waste from Chelyabinsk-40 was found in the Arctic Ocean. (British Broadcasting Corporation 9/17/99) Russia's federal authorities set up a special commission to resolve the conflict in Karachay- Cherkessia. (British Broadcasting Corporation 5/19/99) Vladimir Khubiyev, head of Karachay-Cherkessia, and Anatoliy Ozov, chairman of the republic's government, resigned. After five days of protests in the city, the groups disbanded after the announcement that the elections would be declared invalid. The nuclear waste storage and processing facility has been dumping radioactive waste in this beautiful lake for ages. A one-two punch of municipal waste and industrial dumping gave Onondaga Lake in Syracuse, N.Y., the reputation as one of the most polluted lakes in America. Karachay Lake. (British Broadcasting Corporation 3/10/00) The Cherkessk town court overturned the Cherkessk town administration's decision to authorize a secessionist rally in the central square. Swimming in these waters can cost someone their life in an hour. Lake Karachay, Russia Just one hour spent on the shore of Lake Karachay in the Ural mountains would be enough to die painfully by being exposed to 600 x-rays. (British Broadcasting Corporation 9/26/99) A parliament of the Cherkess autonomy was formed on 28th September by ethnic Abazin and Cherkess deputies who split from the Karachay -Cherkessia People's Assembly. The Techa River, which provides water to nearby areas, was contaminated, and about 65% of local residents fell ill with radiation sickness. Raiding Mongols drive Karachays into the highlands of the Northern Caucasus. Lake Karachay: The USSR’s Deadly Nuclear Lake : Lake Karachay: The USSR’s Deadly Nuclear Lake : Find episode on: AD . The groups wanted to speed up the passage of the law and set a date for the elections. (British Broadcasting Corporation 8/31/99 &9/1/99), Seventeen supporters of General Semenov were hospitalized after a brawl with Derev supporters broke out at an intersection. The Russian government undertakes measures to support the social and economic development of the Karachay people, including restitution payments for individuals deported under Stalin. But we wouldn’t risk it. The Russian Interior Minister refused the appeal, stating that there were already 2,000 Russian troops in the republic and blaming the problems on political mismanagement within the republican government. Dzhokhar Dudayev, President of Chechnya, attends a congress of Karachay peoples held in the city of Karachayevsk. After the earthquake in Japan and the nuclear plants in Japan had a lot of leaking, my mom was freaking out. Furthermore, the Minister of Ethnic Policy, Ramazan Abdulatipov, said publicly that the violence was not linked to ethnic problems but to a traditional power struggle. When Lake Kyzyltash quickly became contaminated, Lake Karachay was used for open-air storage, keeping the contamination a slight distance from the reactors but soon making Lake Karachay the "most-polluted spot on Earth". Russian President Boris Yeltsin issues a decree on measures in support of rehabilitating the economic and cultural life of the Karachay. The Russian Ministry of Atomic Energy announced plans to build a new fast breeder reactor to evaporate the contaminated water of Lake Karachay, after which sludge wastes from the lake would be buried. 6/7/2007. When viewing the images, the differences in aesthetics and symmetry of the water’s structure is clear – the “before” images portray dark and almost bacterial-like constituency, while the “after” pictures show a beautiful, snowflake-like image – nearly perfect and without blemish of any kind. Chechnya Weekly. "Karachay Jamaat: History, Reality and Perspective, Part 1" Chechnya Weekly, 8:22), Several attacks by Karachay Jamaat lead to deaths of police officers starting in summer 2005. (British Broadcasting Corporation 7/26/97), The closing of the Mercury firm, the biggest enterprise in the Karachay- Cherkess Republic, prompted the residents of the capital Cherkessk to hold a rally and put forward political as well as economic demands. The rally participants said that the situation was turning into an interethnic problem because Stanislav Derev is an ethnic Cherkess and Vladimir Semenov and Magomed Kaitov are ethnic Karachays. Monitoring data showed "clear reduction of the deposition of radionuclides on the surface" after 10 months. ), A traffic policeman is killed by Karachay Jamaat. (British Broadcasting Corporation 4/11/99) After the first round of elections for the new head of the Republic, none of the thirteen candidates won a majority. The ban was to be in effect until the political situation in Karachay-Cherkessia stabilized. The spread of toxic dust peppered about 900 square miles … After lingering in these vats for a few months, the diluted dregs were periodically piped to the new long-term storage location: a ten-foot-deep, 110 acre lake called Karachay. Beautiful Lake Karachay in Russia is so polluted with nuclear waste that a swim in its waters would kill you in less than an hour. (Jamestown Foundation. 5/31/2007. (British Broadcasting Corporation 1/6/00), Several lawmakers of Abazin and Cherkess origin refused to take part in the opening of a parliament session on the budget in Karachay-Cherkessia. Four Cherkess legislative deputies sent a telegram to Moscow protesting the 'unlawful inauguration'. Article by Modern Notion. A rally is held in the city of Karachayevsk demanding restoration of autonomy for the Karachay republic which was lost under Stalinist repressions. "Karachay Jamaat: History, Reality and Perspective, Part 1." (British Broadcasting Corporation 9/15/99) Supporters of Stanislav Derev closed the road running from Cherkessk to Stavropol, blocking the passage of traffic. (British Broadcasting Corporation 6/10/99) Stanislav Derev, the mayor of Cherkessk stated that he would not end his supporters' rally in the central square of the republic's capital Cherkessk . 8:23. They asked the Russians for practical support for efforts against political terrorism, towards social and political stability, and for unity and territorial integrity of Karachay -Cherkessia and the entire Russian south. The law guaranteed the observance of the constitutional rights and liberties of the individual and citizen, regardless of fluency or non-fluency in any of the listed state languages. About 60 supporters of Derev, all of them members of the republic government, announced their withdrawal from the republic's government. The head of the republic was to be elected for a period of four years. At Semenov's request, the festivities were low-key. They had gone ahead with the rally the day before, despite a ban on rallies. The level of radiation in nearby lakes is said to be 2.5 times that of Chernobyl. The agreement recognized the right of all citizens regardless of nationality or religion to be elected to any elected position, and called on the voters to reconcile, and the government to create the post of plenipotentiary representative of the Russian president in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic to cooperate with the Russian president. Lenssen, "Nuclear Waste: The Problem that Won't Go Away", Worldwatch Institute, Washington, D.C., 1991: 15. To escape repression by the Russian army, large numbers of Karachays migrate to Turkey. The prime minister and Karachay and Abazin deputies were confirmed during an extraordinary session the following day, while the Nogay and Cherkess posts remained vacant. The leadership of the Islamic Party of Rebirth calls for the reconstitution of Karachay autonomy. [6] A decades-long monitoring program for underground water was expected to be implemented shortly after.[6]. The Karachay parliament declares the territory's sovereignty as the Soviet Socialist Republic of Karachay. (British Broadcasting Corporation 3/6/99), The head of Karachay -Cherkessia, Vladimir Semenov, formally announced that the new bodies of power in Karachay -Cherkessia were being formed on the basis of equal representation for all ethnic groups populating the republic, but that personnel was not selected according to their ethnicity and personal loyalty. Although the lake has an area much smaller than that of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, and albeit the fact that three settlements, Ozyorsk, Novogornyj [ru] and Tatysh [ru] some 7 kilometers away are inhabited and that th… (British Broadcasting Corporation 10/22/99 & 10/23/99) After meeting with both Semenov and Derev, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, reached a compromise in which Derev promised to end the protests in exchange for a referendum on Semenov's rule to be held on October 22, 2000. The document stresses the importance of trade relations. MOSCOW - Believe it or not, there is a lake in Russia named 'Lake Karachay', often spelled as 'Lake Karachi', although it has no connection with the Pakistani port city, Karachi. The Karachay-Cherkess Autonomous Oblast is reconstituted. A mass rally bringing together representatives from across the republic issues a similar appeal. The election commission walked out of the decision making process, after only some of the commissioners felt the election was fair. According to Kaitov, the local police did nothing to detain the attackers. ), © 2004 - 2021 • Minorities At Risk Project. Abazin and Cherkess ethnic public and political movements in Karachay- Cherkessia, had proclaimed autonomy for the Cherkess areas about two months before. (British Broadcasting Corporation 9/9/99) On September 14, a ceremony took place in Ust-Dzheguta to swear into office the new head of Karachay -Cherkessia, Vladimir Semenov. 8:23. Chechnya Weekly. Center for InternationalDevelopment andConflict Management, 2117 Chincoteague HallUniversity of MarylandCollege Park, MD  20742. During the first six years of operation, the entire Mayak complex dumped its radioactive waste into the Techa River, which happened to be the only source of water for the 24 villages along its banks. Chechnya Weekly. Facts about Lake Karachay. A symbol of decay and Soviet nuclear disaster, Lake Karachay is a lake in the Ural Mountains of western Russia mainly notable as a dumping ground for nuclear waste from the USSR's Mayak facility. Cossacks in Karachay-Cherkess announce that they are mobilizing a militia as a self-defense measure against armed gangs of Ingush, Kabardins, and Karachays. By 1951, it became obvious the waste run-off was damaging the river and surrounding population. The government had maintained the protest was illegal and organized for several days. (British Broadcasting Corporation 9/3/99) During peace negotiations between Derev and Semenov in Moscow, each side offered solutions, but reached no common ground. In the year 1990, the contamination got to the point where it could kill a person standing at the shore just in an hour. Lake Karachay. Karachays convert to the Islamic faith under the influence of the Kabard people. Despite initially agreeing to the compromise, protestors in Cherkessk returned to the government building the following day to picket, saying that they would leave the square only after seeing real results from the activity of the consultative council. The congress proclaimed the creation of a Cherkess autonomous entity within Stavropol Territory and began to set up a new government for the entity. The Karachay-Cherkess republic and the Adygey republic sign a treaty of friendship and cooperation. [8], Nuclear waste, either from civilian or military nuclear projects, remains a serious threat to the environment of Russia. Those taking part in the action demanded the removal of Vladimir Semenov from the post of head of Karachay-Cherkessia. (British Broadcasting Corporation 10/16/99) The Russian Federation Council refused to confirm Vladimir Semenov's powers until the Russian Supreme Court delivered a final verdict on his election. Chechnya Weekly. The constitution said that state power in Karachay-Cherkessia would be exercised by the head of the republic, the national assembly, the government and the courts. Karachay Lake, also recognized as “Karachai” or “Karachaj”, is one of the most lethal lakes around the world. It is the most polluted lake on earth. In 1996 it was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Sign Up Now! They wanted democratic elections of a new leadership for the republic. The general won the election with over 75% of the vote. Page 3. Leaders from the Cossack, Russian, and Cherkessian communities of the Karachay-Cherkess republic appeal to President Yeltsin to support the region's return to the administrative control of the Stavropol territory. ), Former deputy head of the Spiritual Board of Muslims of Karachaevo-Cherkessia, Abdulkerim-haji Bayramukov, iss shot dead at the mosque in the city of Karachaevsk by Karachay Jamaat members. This prompted the decision to dump radioactive waste elsew… [10], Some parts of the lake are extremely radioactive (600 röntgens/hour) and one could receive a lethal dose of radiation in 30 minutes (300 röntgens). Some of them came from Karachay villages. 2004). Although today the lake is completely infilled, almost the whole bed of the lake is composed of high level of radioactive waste. It was also affected by a string of accidents and disasters causing the surrounding areas to be highly contaminated with radioactive waste. They had also wanted a Russian to be the chairman. In 1994, a report revealed that 5 million cubic meters of polluted water had migrated from Lake Karachay, and was spreading to the south and north at 80 meters per year, "threatening to enter water intakes and rivers". Although the lake has an area much smaller than that of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, and albeit the fact that three settlements, Ozyorsk, Novogornyj [ru] and Tatysh [ru] some 7 kilometers away are inhabited and that the lake is surrounded by Mayak, the lake is still technically a natural area[citation needed] and thus has been described as the "most polluted spot on Earth" by Washington, D.C.-based Worldwatch Institute.[1][2]. To prevent the wind from carrying away the dust from the rapidly drying lakebed, Karachay was filled with approaching ten thousand blocks of hollow concrete. Semenov's representatives did not publicly state their plan, although they emphasized that Semenov had legally won and any further appointments by Moscow would be in violation of their rights. 6/7/2007. (Jamestown Foundation. The factory was kept secret by the government until 1990. Stream the best of Disney, Pixar, Marvel, Star Wars, National Geographic and more for $6.99/mo. This is due to radioactive waste. Lake Baikal is the largest freshwater lake in the world (by volume) and the world's deepest lake. [7] By one estimate, the river contains 120 million curies of radioactive waste. Lake Karachay gradually began to dry up, exposing the radioactive sediment in its basin. Members of the republic's government and the People's Assembly were present at the ceremony, and also leaders and activists of public political and national cultural organizations and representatives of religious confessions. Kaitov was freed by staff from the local department of the Federal Security Service who had been informed about the incident by the envoy's people. The Russian Supreme Court had ruled that Semenov's election as head of Karachay -Cherkessia was lawful. Chechnya Weekly. Where it goes on to state that the river Techa, and the Lake Karachay were polluted with radioactive waste from a processing plant. "Karachay Jamaat: Countermeasures, Connections and Composition, Part 2." And today, 20 years after Mayak started appearing on maps again, it’s even possible that you could stand on the shores of Lake Karachay and not die. "Critical Masses: Citizens, Nuclear Weapons Production, and Environmental Destruction in the United States and Russia", by Russell J. Dalton, 1999, p.79, CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (, "Russia", p. 121, publisher = Lonely Planet, "The Politics of Environmental Policy in Russia", p. 34, by David Lewis Feldman, Ivan Blokov, "The Burning Lake: A Volk Thriller", by Brent Ghelfi, p. 101, "Lake Karachay, the most polluted spot on Earth", "Russia's Mayak continues clean-up of Lake Karachai", 10.1667/0033-7587(2003)159[0787:cmrawa]2.0.co;2, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Pollution_of_Lake_Karachay&oldid=995951766, Articles with unsourced statements from September 2020, Articles with unsourced statements from December 2020, Articles with unsourced statements from August 2016, Chelyabinsk Oblast articles missing geocoordinate data, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 23 December 2020, at 19:12. 20%) cast ahead of the run-off election, 38 polling stations refused to open on election day itself. [citation needed]. Lake Karachay was a small lake in the southern Ural mountains in central Russia. Stepashin declared that he would submit for the consideration of Igor Ivanov, chairman of the republic's People's Assembly (parliament), should be appointed acting head of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic to govern the republic pending a ruling on the legality or illegality of the elections for the head of Karachay-Cherkessia. ), The head of the administration of the village of Eltarach, Magomed Khubiev, is killed in his house by Karachay Jamaat. “Contamination ... but ten years before … In fact, one nuclear expert has suggested that no nation on Earth has ever had to manage a site as hazardous Karachay before. In the village of Metlino [ru], it was found that 65% of residents were suffering from chronic radiation sickness. The decision to create the commission was made after presidential chief of staff Aleksandr Voloshin's met with the leaders of Karachay- Cherkessia's Russian and Nogay communities. But after … 8:23. The two candidates who gained the most votes, Stanislav Derev, the mayor of Cherkessk, and Gen Vladimir Semenov, an adviser to the Russian defense minister and native of the Karachay village of Khurzuk, moved ahead to the runoff election on May 16. In addition the Russians in the republic asked that the size of the population to be used as a basis in the formation of the structures of authority in the republic (the Russian-speaking population accounts for 43 per cent of the total). 8:23. The Congress of the Moslems of Karachay calls for a return of Karachay autonomy. Berkeley: Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. Lake Karachay, located in the southern Ural Mountains in eastern Russia, was a dumping ground for the Soviet Union's nuclear weapon facilities. (British Broadcasting Corporation 7/24/99) Over 12,000 people gathered to protest the appointments of various people to the Karachay-Cherkess government, which they said violated their rights, since they were not appointed by the elected government. (British Broadcasting Corporation 7/23/99) Boris Yeltsin appointed a new person to be head of Karachay-Cherkessia while the election results were still being disputed. [There was no indication that the Karachay were involved in the debate.] (British Broadcasting Corporation 7/25/99 & 8/6/99), The congress of the Cherkess, Abazin and Russian people of Karachay- Cherkessia adopted a resolution calling for Cherkess autonomy to be restored. In addition, at the capital's central square, supporters of Stanislav Derev, held a rally, demanding that the voting results be invalidated (including the early voting results which they claimed gave Semenov an advantage of 60,000 votes) and fair elections held. Still, a week before the May 15 run-off, the Russian Federation Ministry of Ethnic Policy broadcast announcements reminding people not to vote based on ethnic rivalries. Its aim was to protect citizens' safety, preserve the integrity of Karachay-Cherkessia and prevent any violations of the rights and liberties of its inhabitants A Moscow newspaper decried the decree as a violation of the Russian Federation Constitution. It also decided to appeal to the Russian president and the federal government to this effect (British Broadcasting Corporation 8/11/99) The day the Karchay-Cherkess Supreme Court upheld the May elections, declaring Gen. Semenov head of government, a group of about 100 protestors blocked the entrance to the government building, and attacked Semenov's jeep. [5]As of December 2016, the lake's status is completely infilled, using special concrete blocks, rock, and dirt. The Karachay-Cherkess Justice Ministry announces its intention to ban operations of the "Rus" political movement (a Russian nationalist organization) on the grounds that it incites inter-ethnic conflict. 8:23. Early Soviet period: Bolshevik authorities quell resistance to Soviet rule in Karachay region and other territories of the Caucasus. Mps who staged the walkout said that the budget had no prospects Abazins! Demanded that Semenov resign because he had fraudulently won the May elections,... 6 ] yet recalled its 'temporary ' head of Karachay autonomy by Karachays in Cherkesst were set on fire the... The protest was illegal and organized for Several days MD 20742 6, at! Factory was kept secret by the government until 1990 Northwestern Turkic languages, Karachay Islamists bomb metro! A similar appeal area, Western scientists were able to gain access election with over 75 % residents... 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