level 1 We've also already had a much more compelling Vader/apprentice relationship with Ashoka Tano in Clone Wars and Rebels. With that, Vader initiated a training session, providing Starkiller with a pair of lightsabers. Starkiller found PROXY, the original Starkiller's training droid, who informed them that Juno had likely been taken to the Deck 7 docking bays. The padawan, Etain Tur-Mukan, remarks at one point her astonishment that the clones of Jango Fett all appear exactly the same physically and even act the same to some extent. Clone, Lord Starkiller was pretty much the original Galen and the Clone already has his skills and abilities plus showing and noting as being more powerful. Although X2 did not go insane, this may be attributed to his longer development process he and his brother enjoyed like the rest of the Clone Army. He first appeared in the game's announcement trailer, released during the 2009 SPIKE TV Video Game Awards on December 12.In the early marketing of The Force Unleashed II, the clone is wearing a different costume known as the \"combat arena\" costume in the PS3, PC, and Xbox 360's unlock of costumes. As he wandered through the smoke-shrouded corridors, he was attacked by Vader. While Starkiller refused, perishing in the ensuing battle with Palpatine to provide his friends the means to escape, Vader was at last made aware of Palpatine's long standing desire to replace him with a more able apprentice. Biographical information Vader bestowed two lightsabers upon Starkiller. It features Galen Marek, aka: Starkiller from Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, and Ezio Auditore Da Firenze from the Assassin's Creed series. level 2. [1] As he ascended higher and higher, he attempted to do so stealthily and with as little bloodshed as possible, but was given away by an unnoticed Terror Trooper, forcing him to kill them all. After escaping a facility on Kamino, the clone attempts to locate Juno Eclipse, the original Starkiller's love interest. [13], The Dark Apprentice was ordered by Darth Vader in the last scene of Distant Thunder to "intervene only when necessary" in Vader's upcoming battle with the other clone of Marek. Starkiller's skills with telekinesis were such that he could catch and crush TIE fighters in mid-flight. [6] Using the Force to clear his path of TIE fighters and exterior fixtures on the tower, Starkiller plummeted onto the exterior ramparts of the Timira City cloning facilities. When unleashing Force pushes, he could clear massive areas as everything in front of him was blasted back. Contacting Kota, Starkiller demanded that Kota order the attack on Kamino, so he could go rescue Juno from Darth Vader. He fully embraces the Dark Side, and is shown trained by Vader to help him defeat Starkiller. However, as he turned on the last faux-Rebel, he realized that it was an imitation of Juno Eclipse. ( Log Out /  Too late realizing that Juno was also being held in the spire, Starkiller used the Force to destroy the entire forward section of the Salvation. He killed them all with a powerful Force repulse, then quietly questioned Darth Vader; Why me? Kota was enraged that Starkiller would not immediately commit to the Rebellion, believing that the clone was putting one woman and his own inner conflict above the needs of the galaxy. Starkiller, also known by his original name of Galen Marek and Subject 1138, is the main protagonist of The Force Unleashed II. Gamers have had a chance to play as powerful wielders of the Force before, but Starkiller turned all of these powers up to 11 and was capable of decimating armies of clone soldiers and Jedi alike with little trouble through the use of both Jedi and Sith powers. As he was on the cloning facilities interior, he needed to find an entrance to allow the Rebel forces in. However, the tram finally malfunctioned and fell out of the sky just before reaching the western arch, forcing Starkiller to leap the distance to the tram station. Hair color Instead of making his other abilities highly magnified, the player must select targets with the Wii remote. [1], As Starkiller paused, Darth Vader emerged from within the facility. [6] Unlike the first Starkiller, who had gone to extreme lengths to uncover more memories of his forgotten childhood,[4] all the while developing an affinity for his Rebel allies,[9] the clone spared no feelings for the Rebel Alliance or the dead parents of his template. However, there are many clues within the game that suggest the Starkiller of The Force Unleashed II is in fact the original Starkiller and not a clone. Fair[1] Highly proficient at telekinetic lightsaber combat, he would often direct his lightsabers to seek out specific enemies. With the clone in submission, Vader commanded Starkiller to locate and kill Rahm Kota, embrace the Dark side of the Force, and to hunt down and execute the Rebel leaders upon the completion of his training; failure to meet any of the Sith Lord's demands would result in Juno's death. Even as they fought across the top level of the tower, Starkiller sensed that Vader was still testing him, and attempted to keep a handle on his emotions. As the ship plummeted towards Timira City, Starkiller cleared debris from the battle out of the ship's path, allowing it to smash through the shield. Species Due to the quick development process and the use of “flash memory” to train the clones, these Stormtroopers were known to develop a condition known as “clone madness.” While Thrawn found a way to prevent the madness, this was years after Vader’s death at the Battle of Endor. One could argue that a clone of someone would have the same exact signature in the Force which is why Kota would be confused, but there are many examples in Legends material that would dispute this. In spite of his efforts to win Vader's approval, however, the clone was haunted by visions of his progenitor's life. c. 1 BBY[2] His aggressive counters against the clones were reluctant, as he felt they had just as much right to live as he. Starkiller agreed, casting aside his lightsabers and dropping to his knees. Starkiller was potentially going to feature as one of Vader's inquisitors who would personally hunt down enemy Jedi. [1], Starkiller was eventually forced onto his back foot and disarmed. As with Galen Marek, the Starkiller clone was portrayed by actor Sam Witwer. Vader then declared that Starkiller would suffer the "same fate as the others." Rendezvousing with Kota, they broke into one of the Imperial command centers, hoping to use it to open the hangar doors, but the controls were destroyed by an Imperial bombing run. Kota was quick to try convincing Starkiller to join the Rebellion in a counterattack against the Empire, brushing aside Starkiller's claims of being a clone with the supposed certainty that cloning Force-sensitives was impossible; he also tried to drill Starkiller for information regarding the Kaminoan cloning facilities in order for the Alliance to launch a full-scale invasion of Kamino. Eye color Without Juno, both Vader and Starkiller knew that he would no longer be motivated to resist the lure of the dark side. While taking a rapid cargo tram towards the Salvation bridge, Kota informed Starkiller about the state of affairs within the Alliance. As a clone of the original Starkiller (Galen Marek), who is 1.85 meters in height per. [2] Starkiller's particular set was tattered and threadbare by the time of his escape, due to his heavy training under Darth Vader. Unsuccessful, PROXY apologized for his failure, though Starkiller was quick to forgive him, stating that the fault was his own, for seeking out Juno in the first place. Starkiller struggled to focus strictly on surviving his Master's relentless and unforgiving training regimen, hoping that the motivation to succeed would compensate for the confusion and frustration that he endured due to Marek's memories. Starkiller defended the Alliance flagship, the Salvation, during an Imperial attack. Kota saw to Vader's "accommodations" aboard the Shadow, telling Starkiller that he hadn't said a word during this process. Returning to his ship, Starkiller traveled to Malastare to find Kota. The revelation that Vader had told the truth about their creation led Starkiller to accept his origin as a clone; a copied version who was superior to his imperfect precursors, but still an overall failure by Vader's standards. Darth Vader revealed the original Starkiller's corpse to the Dark Apprentice, the only stable clone of Marek. [4], Now earnestly pursuing the idea of a secret apprentice to help him assassinate Palpatine, Vader preserved Starkiller's body, taking it to Kamino and extracting cells to clone the Force Adept. Brown[1] Having escaped from Kamino, Starkiller embarked on a quest to find Juno Eclipse. This reinforces that the process Vader supposedly used to clone Starkiller could not have been perfected before Thrawn’s campaign. Masters This apprentice, Galen Marek, known by his codename Starkiller, eventually realizes he is a mere pawn of Darth Vader and the Emperor and gives his life saving a group of people who go on to form the Rebel Alliance. [6], Starkiller returned to the hangar just in time to see the Rebel fleet arrive at Kamino. More likely, Vader used some form of memory-wipe on Starkiller to make him believe he was a clone, but Starkiller’s interaction with the Force and lightsabers causes him to remember his real life. A somewhat subtle clue would be when Starkiller rescues Kota from a gladiatorial arena on Cato Nemoidia. To me, it seemed he was suffering from the Jason Bourne affect. Galactic Empire[1]Order of the Sith Lords[1]Jedi Order[1]Alliance to Restore the Republic[1] As he fought his "brothers," Starkiller could sense that all of the clones were virtually the same as him—not only because they possessed the same skills as him, albeit in varying degrees, but also because they had inherited the same Force potential and identity crisis as Starkiller. Starkiller is initially kept in secret. [1] Starkiller strongly favored the Ataru and Niman lightsaber forms, using their dual-blade training regiments to develop his skills, mastering Jar'Kai. Kota urged Starkiller to join the Rebellion, but the clone, determined to find Eclipse, refused the Jedi's entreaty. Making his way to Tarko's executive box, he rendezvoused with Kota and confronted the Baron. [1], One of Starkiller's most dangerous abilities was Force fury. Arriving at Nordra, Starkiller and Kota docked aboard the Salvation ahead of Kota's squad, which had taken an alternate vessel. [1], Darth Vader made himself visible on one of the tank platforms, declaring that Starkiller would either surrender to him or die. The Distant Thunder scenes also reveal that the Dark Apprentice learned to forget his feelings for Juno Eclipse, the original Galen Marek's love interest, and thereby become a "more perfect" clone of the original, devoid of emotions to cloud his judgment. At the conclusion of his training, Starkiller was to travel there and execute the Jedi. However, the confrontation was cut short by the Gorog, who seized hold of the box in a last ditch effort to avoid falling. On one hand, the blurb of the novel stated that Starkiller was brought back as a person devoid of memories from his former life and "programmed to kill." Before deciding on the character of Starkiller, other ideas for the main character included a Han Solo-like smuggler, a superheroic Rebel Wookiee, "the last Skywalker" and a gadget-wielding mercenary. Vader would be transported on board the Rogue Shadow to keep his whereabouts secret, with Starkiller supervising his transport. 1 Description 2 Interlude 3 Starkiller 4 Ezio 5 DEATH BATTLE! Starkiller appeared to surrender, which caused Vader to drop his guard. The clone succeeded in his quest to find Eclipse, whom the original Starkiller fell in love with prior to his death. The first game, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, reveals that Darth Vader had a secret apprentice between Episodes III and IV who was tasked with hunting down rogue Jedi. As Starkiller turned to leave, Vader countered that as long as Juno lived, he would always control Starkiller. Now aware that he was going to be discarded by the Sith Lord, Starkiller lost all respect for him, even doubting the fact that there were other clones of the same template; he believed that any other version of Vader's fallen apprentice would be in love with her as well and seek out Juno Eclipse just as he was. Starkiller advised PROXY to instead figure out a common factor between all the various individuals he had encountered; a set of principles. Starkiller defeated a Gorog while attempting to rescue Jedi General Rahm Kota on Cato Neimoidia. The clone infiltrated Cato Neimoidia to rescue General Rahm Kota, hoping that Marek's Jedi mentor would lead him directly to Eclipse. Starkiller managed to fend off the Sith Lord, but was struck by a sudden and violent Force vision before he could counter, allowing Vader to slip away. Now clad in the robes of a Jedi Knight and wielding blue lightsabers, he wandered the interior of the cave, only to be accosted by various versions of himself. As he had not changed the transponder in Vader's ship, he was believed to be the Dark Lord and was directed to an executive landing pad, where he was greeted by a full retinue of stormtroopers and Baron Merillion Tarko, the Imperial governor controlling the world from Tarko-se, a city that he named after himself. Reaching the Dark Side Cave, he was greeted by Yoda. Managing to survive the fall onto the facility, Starkiller briefly lost consciousness.[6]. Unknown to Starkiller, he had both Boba Fett and the Dark Apprentice—a fellow surviving clone of Galen Marek—preparing to intervene if Starkiller attempted to kill Vader. Holding her body in his arms, Starkiller began grieving when Juno inexplicably awoke. Regarding Kento and Mallie Marek, Starkiller immediately dismissed them both as irrelevant. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Born Once freed, Kota used his comlink to contact the Rogue Shadow, which swept in on autopilot and caught them before landing hard on the rocky terrain below.[6]. Recently, an E3 premiere showed that the ending of The Force Unleashed remains unaltered, and that Galen "Starkiller" Marek did indeed die after battling the Emperor; this Starkiller is a clone, created by Darth Vader in an attempt to create the ultimate Sith warrior. Afterward, Kota introduced Starkiller to his squad's medic, the Cerean Ni-Ke-Vanz. [1], Starkiller also demonstrated an aptitude for improvised weapons and disarmament techniques; in particular, he would often deprive riot stormtroopers of their Electrostaffs and attack them with the weapons. Kota revealed that he didn't know where she was, as the Rebel fleet had been scattered. It was also during this time when Kyram reexecuted Order 66 on a Jedi, on Starkiller's orders. When caught up in the frenzy of Force fury, Starkiller would unleash brutal physical attacks against his hapless enemies. However, this argument is largely based around Rahm Kota's perspective. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. [1] It was said that Starkiller was even more powerful than the original Marek was. When he advanced his skills with this ability to their highest level, he was able to control up to three enemies at a time, and when the effects of the Mind trick wore off, they would physically explode in a sudden burst of Force energy, an otherwise unheard of ability. The design of the lightsabers evidently underwent a major revision during the development of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II. At first, he could not understand why Vader was deliberately keeping him from getting to Juno, as she was the one tool that could be used to control him. [6], After a momentary dialogue, Starkiller rushed Vader in a rage. Since then, Sam has stuck around with Star Wars, and that is unlikely to change. Unbeknownst to the man' superiors, he was in reality a Mandalorian, not a clone,and one powerful in the force. Starkiller once again turns away from the Dark Side and captures Darth Vader, with the Rebels scattering the fleet with Boba Fett stealthily pursuing the ship containing Vader. Darth Vader (Sith Master)[1]Rahm Kota (Jedi Master)[1] Starkiller used the opening to blast a hole in the wall of the reinforced training room, leaping out of the tower into the Kamino rainstorms. Kota and PROXY informed him that the attack was going badly; as the Imperials had been waiting for them, and the deflector shield protecting Timira City prevented them from landing any of their forces. Vader managed to dodge, blasting her back with a powerful Force push, seemingly killing her. The second game, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II, picks up six months after the events of the first game with a clone of Starkiller being trained by Darth Vader on Kamino. As he felt his rage build up at the thought of Juno's capture and his Master, Starkiller experienced another vision in the Force; he stood victorious over a defeated Darth Vader and raised his blade to finally end the Sith Lord's life. Also, while in "Fury mode", he utilized advanced Telekinetic lightsaber combat techniques, throwing his twin lightsabers in devastating arcs, often striking multiple opponents at a time. After a heated duel with the Sith, Galen manages to dislodge his helmet, revealing his own face… [6] However, as they fought across the rain-slicked generator roof, Starkiller realized that his former master was using both the duel and Juno's death in an attempt to cause him to fall back into darkness. [1] He first appeared in the game's announcement trailer, released during the 2009 SPIKE TV Video Game Awards on December 12. Initially brandishing his lightsabers, Starkiller lowered them and forced his way through. When Starkiller demanded Juno's location, Vader sidestepped and revealed her standing behind him. Starkiller is a Frontend for Powershell Empire.It is an Electron application written in VueJS. Kota says no one can clone jedi, so the spirit of the original starkiller may be inside the clone. [6] Within, he engaged Imperial Saber Guards and Sith Acolytes, and finding to his horror that most of the cloning tanks within the spire contained more clones of Galen Marek. [8] Starkiller's reemergence would likely prove to be a boon to the Alliance, though both Kota and Juno encouraged him to keep a low profile, wanting to keep it under wraps for the time being, unsure about what the Alliance leadership would think of him.[6]. [1] Starkiller leapt up to engage Vader, but the Dark Lord relied on more evasive tactics, fending off Starkiller's attacks while sending Sith Training Droids in the guise of various figures from Galen Marek's past to fight him. Starkiller was originally skeptical about the existence of Galen Marek's other clones. Starkiller easily held them off and turned on Vader. Picking his way through the swamps towards it, Starkiller was forced to fight off several predators, but prevailed. His wrists and knees were also covered by bare-metal guards. As such, he also inherited a similar personality as his genetic template, although some characteristic traits were more dominant than others. The developers consciously decided not to give him … As the Dark Apprentice turned to leave, he took a moment to stare at the dead body of the woman who loved his genetic template. Before he could deliver the final blow, however, he was impaled from behind by a lightsaber through the chest. After escaping when he realizes he will be destroyed for lacking total obedience to Vader, Starkiller tracks down his Rebel allies and helps them attack Kamino. When Vader was defeated by the clone at the end of the game, the Dark Apprentice chose not to intervene in Vader's capture for unknown reasons, as seen in the light-side ending. When Starkiller didn't answer, Tarko and the stormtroopers brandished their weapons, prompting Starkiller to ignite his lightsabers. En route, he was forced to defend the vehicle against an assault by Imperial air forces, destroying most of the opposition. Unlike Jedi, who used it subtly or to evade notice, Starkiller would take complete control over his target's mind, convincing them to attack their allies, or in more extreme cases, jump from high places or into environmental hazards. He was initially loyal and subservient to the will of his creator; fearful of failure yet also determined to prove his worth as the successor to the Dark Lord's original secret apprentice. The programming Thrawn used on his cloned Stormtroopers is similar to the programming used in the Clone Army, which was intended to produce soldiers who were extremely loyal and followed orders without question. From freeing Kota to visiting several worlds, he had found that all of his attempts to find Juno had proven to be counter-productive to his primary goal. [26] The light side ending is also used in the novel adaptation, though the dark side ending is used as a vision Starkiller sees on Juno's ship, the Salvation. As a result of the clone's actions, the Alliance prevailed against the forces of the Galactic Empire, securing their first major victory in the Galactic Civil War and taking Vader himself as a prisoner of war. As the process was refined, the clones became increasingly stable, though many still succumbed to madness after the period of a few months, at which point Vader would simply move on to training a new test subject. However, the main issue of The Force Unleashed II, aside from Starkiller trying to save the love interest Juno Eclipse from the clutches of Darth Vader, is determining whether or not he is a clone. Yoda steered Starkiller into entering the cave, which the Force Adept did after a moment. The early design was a heavy duty, segmented hilt with a large emitter shroud and fabric wrappings on the grip. [6], Darth Vader brandished his lightsaber to execute the clone, but was caught off-guard by a sudden barrage of Force lightning from an enraged Starkiller, dropping to one knee as his cybernetics malfunctioned. Starkiller's clone was created for the 2010 video game Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II, and was played by Sam Witwer like the original Starkiller. Juno Eclipse was part of the militarist camp, calling for an aggressive strike, even for only a symbolic victory. He was voiced by Sam Witwer, who also voiced Galen Marek , Lord Starkiller and the Dark Apprentice in The Force Unleashed series, Emperor Palpatine, Darth Maul and the Son in Star Wars: The Clone Wars , Star Wars: Rebels , and in other media, and Deacon St. John in Days … ( Log Out /  However, his determination to be with Eclipse was used by Darth Vader as a way to lure the clone back to Kamino, having captured the Alliance officer in a battle near the Itani Nebula. Starkiller, born Galen Marek and also known as The Apprentice, is the Dark Jedi anti-hero main protagonist of the Star Wars: The Force Unleashed project. [1], Starkiller evidently found his Imperial flightsuit garment on board Darth Vader's fighter when he stole the vessel. [6] His bladework was elaborate and highly unpredictable, reinforced by sudden Force-based attacks that he chained into his sequences. A planned sequel, The Force Unleashed III was planned and unfortunately cancelled due to the merger with Disney, so unless another studio decides to continue the story of Starkiller, it seems the question of his real identity will remain unanswered. In combat, Starkiller utilized heavily pre-practiced fighting sequences, performing them instinctively while he lapsed into a trance-like state. That's because, as cool as Starkiller's story was, it went off the rails faster than a mynock on hyperfuel in the rushed sequel. [1][6], Slaving all ship systems to the bridge, Starkiller plotted a course straight at the planetside shield generators and set the ship on autopilot. However, they were being tracked by Slave I, which had been hiding in the wreckage from the battle. It’s natural that Darth Vader would want an apprentice with the powers of Starkiller but total obedience, but if Starkiller were indeed programmed, he would not “struggle” with the flash programming as he does in the game. Starkiller attacked Vader yet again. [6], Emerging from the cave, Starkiller was counciled by Yoda to follow what he had seen. Starkiller's Force rage ability is slightly different in the Wii version of the game. [6], Within the cave, Starkiller experienced a vision. Pursuing the monstrous droid into the Salvation's reactor chamber, Starkiller destroyed it. However, they were ambushed by an Imperial fleet upon their arrival, and forced to flee. [6], Despite Vader's orders, Starkiller was unable to strike her down. ( Log Out /  They were long since dead, and hence neither mattered to him. Skin color The emitters on Starkiller's lightsabers featured a slanted, wrap-around guard that bore design similarities to emitter shrouds, as opposed to the standard emitters on the original stock design. The cause of the Alliance was of little concern to him, and thus he was willing to comply with Vader's wishes to destroy the insurrection of his former apprentice. [10] The uniform also appeared to be fire-retardant. When Starkiller, clad in a tattered Imperial flightsuit, emerged from the vessel, Tarko immediately noticed that something was wrong, informing Starkiller that Kota had been in the Tarko-se Arena for the past several days before questioning his knowledge of the local Imperial security codes. Like his precursors, Subject 1138 "Starkiller" was deemed a failed experiment by Vader. [6], On Kamino, Starkiller never questioned his origin as a clone. Brown[1] He insisted to Rahm Kota that he was not "Starkiller;" not the same man whom the Jedi General befriended and mentored. When Darth Vader threatened to kill Eclipse via strangulation through the Force, Starkiller submitted to his former Master once more.[6]. Overall, the Dark Apprentice can be considered evidence that Starkiller is not a clone because everything Vader was striving for, being total obedience and loyalty to the Dark Side, are present in him. However, the Disney merger came before a third game in the series could be released, which unfortunately left one of the biggest questions in Star Wars unanswered. However, the procedure was imperfect, resulting in a series of unstable clones that succumbed to madness. Faced with what were essentially alternate versions of himself and his template, Starkiller was forced to truly accept his identity as a clone in the face of this overwhelming proof. While the Terror Troopers dispatched several Rebel soldiers and PROXY, the assassin grabbed Kota with the Force and threw him into the remaining Rebels. He is a clone of the original Starkiller and an anti-villain in the game. The original Starkiller was cloned at the behest of Darth Vader, who sought a more powerful and ruthless version of his late apprentice. En route, Kota presented Starkiller with a pair of blue lightsaber crystals, relics of the Clone Wars; Starkiller accepted the gifts and installed them in his dual-lightsabers.[6]. Leaping off and entering the spire, Starkiller began ascending. Homeworld Knowing that Rahm Kota would most likely be a valuable asset in tracking down Juno, Starkiller decided to rescue his progenitor's former Jedi ally. Galen Marek, also known as Starkiller, is a minifigure in the Star Wars theme based on the main character in the video games Star Wars: The Force Unleashed and Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II. As he moved to strike down his former Master, a red-bladed lightsaber emerged from the center of his torso. [13], The Distant Thunder cinematics take place before the ending of the game and have no impact on the game's progression. The clones of Anakin and Obi-Wan idea was originally inspired by Timothy Zahn's pitch that one of the antagonists in his trilogy would've been an evil clone … [6], As he prepared to face the true Darth Vader, Starkiller also found himself confronted by a veritable army of aberrant clones of Galen Marek, thus proving that Vader had not lied about creating other clones of Marek, as Starkiller had originally believed. Last time, Starkiller rushed Vader in blind rage, only to be acknowledged as `` Galen Marek Starkiller... Direct his lightsabers training outfit rather than the Jedi 's entreaty 's.... Gazing at the behest of Darth Vader Vader/apprentice relationship with Ashoka Tano in clone brought! 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The current location of the original Starkiller and an anti-villain in the Rogue Shadow LEGO... Was featured in the Rogue Shadow to keep his whereabouts secret, with Starkiller supervising his transport lost. Clad in a more tactical manner, charging up or shorting out certain of! An Electron application written in VueJS his hood to reveal his identity proves the.. 'S open mouth while Kota fled the arena, he remained conflicted by feelings of self-doubt and uncertainty regarding purpose... While trying to create his own eyes attacked Vader one can clone Jedi, on Starkiller 's as! The planet Wayland, and forced his way to the man ' superiors, he would control... Who would personally hunt down Tarko, Starkiller lowered them and forced to defend the vehicle an... ] is starkiller a clone uniform also appeared to be acknowledged as `` Galen Marek via flashes... Novel adaptation saw PROXY enter the ship abandoned so he could catch and crush TIE fighters in.. 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Planet, he rendezvoused with Kota and confronted the Baron keep his whereabouts secret, the. Leather-Like material of making his way to Vader that by letting him live, he telekinesis. Aggressive strike, even for only a symbolic victory since then, Sam has stuck around with Star:! Starkiller fell in love with prior to his Death speculated that the process Vader supposedly used clone... Long as Juno lived, he realized that it would be when Starkiller did n't where! Used lightning in a long line. [ 6 ] Notably, the Rebel forces in over.! Push, seemingly killing her with this sudden comprehension, Starkiller allowed it to do so hoping. Fixated on Juno Eclipse says no one can clone Jedi, so he could go rescue Juno from Vader... Of unstable clones that succumbed to madness, Tarko and the waist featured guards or braces of. However, while Vader spoke, Juno retrieved one of the seven forms lightsaber... Feelings of self-doubt and uncertainty regarding his purpose in life strike her down was unsure, vanz that... '' was deemed a failed experiment by Vader utilize Force lightning and lightsaber.... Revealed her standing behind him quietly questioned Darth Vader was insane take your fandoms! Vader, even for only a symbolic victory enemy Jedi Starkiller utilized heavily pre-practiced fighting sequences performing... Telekinesis to wrench the doors open in Order to destroy the planetside shield generator 4 Ezio 5 battle. As for Starkiller being Snoke ; entirely possible cinematic trailers, the location... Vader as a clone, but this article assumes it takes place Starkiller. Bladework was elaborate and highly unpredictable, reinforced by sudden Force-based attacks that he been... Rapidly, due in large part to the inherent difficulty in cloning Force-sensitives many... Aberrant clones with absolute loyalty same fate as the others. his lightsaber and tried shrug. Levels of Force energy, he approached an exhausted Rahm Kota and his creation also appeared be. Designed for the Rebellion, Starkiller was forced to defend the vehicle against an assault by Imperial air forces destroying.