Without these data, "it's like managing a bank account and not knowing how much is going in and how much is coming out," says Stanford geophysicist Rosemary Knight, the lead scientist on the project. n nResilience of urban systems will be the focus of the second half of the class. Section 01 | Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit | The Data for Development initiative at the Stanford King Center on Global Development, home to some of the world’s leading development researchers, is uniquely positioned to explore the relevance of these often low-cost, unconventional data streams and to help academics, policymakers, and business leaders craft solutions with real-world impacts on global poverty. 3-4 units | Alumni have gone on to join top tier companies in the AEC industry or start their own. For more information about the Data for Development Initiative, please contact King Center Executive Director Jessica Leino at [email protected]. | Students enrolled: 9, ESS 268 | LEC ... diverse specialists working within the unique project environment of the construction industry throughout all phases of development, ... data centers and infrastructure systems; This project-based course will focus on ways to use inexpensive, unconventional data streams to measure outcomes relevant to SDGs, including poverty, hunger, health, governance, and economic activity. DIS, EARTHSYS 162 | | Students enrolled: 3, SINY 162 | | degree in Statistics from Wuhan University, Wuhan, China, and the M.S. 3 units | Stanford, CA 94305-6015 Stanford faculty describe how they are looking at the problem from multiple angles to limit impacts of climate change and adapt where we must. 32025 Class # Phone: (650) 723-2300 Admissions: [email protected]. Read here about the UN's 11th Sustainable Development Goal: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. 1 - 0 of 0 results for: printer friendly page. We will delve into a case study showing how modern and decentralized power systems with rooftop solar panels and microgrids can make NYC more resilient and sustainable. Class # 32028 32027 Section 01 | degree in Statistics from Washington University in St. Louis. Class Slides Winter 2018. Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit | | Students enrolled: 7 / 12, ESS 268 | Thank you for your interest in our 2018–19 annual report. 366 Galvez Street | Students enrolled: 2, BIO 238 | The fellowships are designed to dovetail into the center’s Innovation Transfer Program, which supports Stanford entrepreneurs as they launch sustainable technologies. Graduating from Stanford’s Sustainable Design & Construction program means you have the expertise to pursue various career paths in the built environment. Sustainable Stanford is a university-wide effort to reduce our environmental impact, preserve resources, and lead sustainability by example across its three pillars - environment, economy, and equity. The science we¿ll explore is in the service of decisions, and we will use examples from real life to illustrate why this science is so critical to informing why, where, how, and how much people need nature. SFI is engaging researchers with backgrounds in data analytics and machine learning techniques in analysis and forecasting of potential climate mitigation actions. A focus on the empirical literature across both social and natural sciences, with discussion and assignments emphasizing empirical analysis of environment-development linkages, application of methods in causal inference, and data visualization. | In Person, EARTHSYS 239 | 2366 October 15, 2020 Stanford researchers help Belize plan for sustainable, nature-based development to create more economic resilience amid global pandemic | Section 02 | LEC Data for Sustainable Groundwater Management . n nNovel technologies will be discussed in terms of their implications for disaster resilience and sustainability. | In Person The majority of rural residents in China are dependent on traditional fuels, but the quality and quantity of existing data on the process of fuel switching in rural China are insufficient to have a clear picture of current conditions and a well-grounded outlook for the future.