Because my focus has been on the Hebrew Bible, thus far I have not yet searched for such confirmations in those additional books, though I think there are probably some to be made there. Some readers, through no fault of their own, got the first news (which turned out to be mistaken), but not the second news story about its being a forgery. Manasseh, king, r. 697/696–642/641, 2 Kings 20:21, etc., in the inscriptions of Assyrian kings Esarhaddon (Raging Torrent, pp. [1] As such, El Shaddai can convey several different semantic relations between the two words, among them:[2]. For many scholars, the lack of a ‘paper trail’ for artifacts does not necessarily relegate them to the dustbin.”. Not only does he make an Asherah, he also builds a temple for Baal in Samaria. We find out this king’s full name in some contemporaneous inscriptions of Shalmaneser III, king of Assyria (r. 858–824), such as the Black Obelisk (Raging Torrent, pp. “Manasseh, king of Judah,” according to Esarhaddon (r. 680–669), was among those who paid tribute to him (Esarhaddon’s Prism B, column 5, line 55; R. Campbell Thompson, The Prisms of Esarhaddon and Ashurbanipal [London: Trustees of the British Museum, 1931], p. 25; ANET, p. 291). His descendants carried on his name. Michael, I gave you the citation to the book about the United Monarchy only because you brought it up. The evidence from outside the New Testament for the existence of Jesus of Nazareth is briefly mentioned above in posts 8, 9, 20, 30, and 38. Tiglath-pileser III’s stele from Iran contains an explicit reference to Rezin as king of Damascus in column III, the right side, A: “[line 1] The kings of the land of Hatti (and of) the Aramaeans of the western seashore . Just saying…. This article is from the current issue of the respected Biblical Archaeology Review and is by Purdue University scholar Lawrence Mykytiuk. 142, 145. and some others under-identified such as Darius II as western chronology at times conflates, and or adds fudge, There are many chronological, historical and archaeological evidence which confirms the Bible, much more than 50 people, but unfortunately all these informations are poorly known, see This is a great job, makes your way easy for teaching some topics about the bible. . But it’s pretty fascinating to see how many OT names have been verified by extra-biblical inscriptions. 589–570.). Comparing the identifying marks of individuals in the inscription and in the Bible, the seal owner’s name and his father’s name inscribed in the seal match the name of the false prophet and his father in Jeremiah 28, giving us two matching marks of an individual. 106–107). Thus the inscribed ossuary is demonstrably authentic, and it suits the Jewish setting of the priestly descendants of Ma‘aziah in the Second Temple period. ANET, p. 280, the parallel “fragment of an annalistic text”). If I had to base my case upon whether a particular individual named Michael F. really exists solely on the scant evidence available to me, namely his comments here, I would be hard pressed to prove to skeptics who doubt it that he actually does indeed exist. In other places (such as Job 5:17) it is translated "Almighty" ("παντοκράτωρ"), and this word is used in other translations as well (such as the King James Bible). 103, no. 158–161. Gemariah, official during Jehoiakim’s reign, within 609–598, Jeremiah 36:10, etc. This inscription’s most significant difficulty is that its origin is unknown (it is unprovenanced). Because Josiah was not the only reform-minded king of Judah (Hezekiah being an earlier reformer-king), the picture is not totally crystal clear, but this indirect evidence for a royal reformer in the late 600s B.C.E. […] Lista de 50 personajes históricos del Antiguo Testamento confirmados en inscripciones auténticas Biblical Archeology Review, marzo/abril 2014; Para ver las notas detalladas de las pruebas arqueológicas de cada uno (en inglés)… […], […] from the Old Testament period whose existence has been confirmed by archaeological inscriptions. She was the daughter of King Ethbaal of Sidonia and, through her, Ahab came to serve Baal. (If you are a BAS Library Member, click here. In reply to response no. 2, p. 163, vol. : Eisenbrauns, 2005], pp. […], […]  Para ver la línea de tiempo y una mejor perspectiva global, visite pp.46-47 de la edición de marzo / abril 2014 de BAR . I would disagree with Lawrence’s assertion for evidence of Jesus citing later works. Though described by the text as just the absolute worst, Ahab seems to have been able to maintain a bit of stability in the unstable nation of Israel, ruling for an impressive twenty-two years. 70–75. David’s name also appears in line 12 of the Mesha Inscription (Anson F. Rainey, “Mesha‘ and Syntax,” in J. Andrew Dearman and M. Patrick Graham, eds., The Land That I Will Show You: Essays on the History and Archaeology of the Ancient Near East in Honor of J. Maxwell Miller. As too the fact that this man Jesus also really existed, I think the evidence from Tacitus that you highlighted, who was no lover of Christians, and other references that are available from Josephus, Pliny the Younger, Seneca and Juvenal that also proved Jesus’s existence. 410; IBP, pp. 178, 182; ANEHST, p. 408). I simply reported what was he said. 1–9, Pl. 68–69, Pl. They have yet to come up the old base text (creation to crowning of Solomon). El Shaddai (Hebrew: אֵל שַׁדַּי ‎, IPA: [el ʃaˈdaj]) or just Shaddai is one of the names of the God of Israel. Jursa identified this official in his article, “Nabu-šarrūssu-ukīn, rab ša-rēši, und ‘Nebusarsekim’ (Jer. Thank you for asking, Nancy. 2, p. 137; IBP, pp. […] kings mentioned throughout the Bible did exist, as confirmed by historians and archaeologists (read this article). This name almost certainly refers to a historical person, but variations of this name were common in the ancient Near East, and modern lack of information on the biblical Shalman makes it difficult to assign it to a particular historical situation or ruler, Assyrian or otherwise. With his band, he returned to Damascus and was made the king of Syria. It is well, with my soul……O’ Lord haste the day that my faith shall be sight! Also Egyptian chronology is too long/old and biblical too short/low so the true dates of the Egyptian dynasties will be later. As a second response to comment 48 by Robin: Yes, your comment is quite right that, “as Korpe[l] mentions, only about 10% of ancient near eastern seals come from archaeological excavations. It was not at all my intention to disparage such evidence for New Testament figures or to suggest that such external documentation somehow might not exist for them, for indeed it does! See David E. Suiter, “Tattenai,” in David Noel Freedman, ed., Anchor Bible Dictionary (New York: Doubleday, 1992), vol. “Corrections”  Lawrence J. Mykytiuk, “Corrections and Updates to ‘Identifying Biblical Persons in Northwest Semitic Inscriptions of 1200–539 B.C.E.,” Maarav 16 (2009), pp. Hophra (= Apries = Wahibre), pharaoh, r. 589–570, Jeremiah 44:30, in Egyptian inscriptions, such as the one describing his being buried by his successor, Aḥmose II (= Amasis II) (Third, p. 333 n. 498), with reflections in Babylonian inscriptions regarding Nebuchadnezzar’s defeat of Hophra in 572 and replacing him on the throne of Egypt with a general, Aḥmes (= Amasis), who later rebelled against Babylonia and was suppressed (Raging Torrent, p. 222). 99‒100. Since Egypt ruled the area where the coffin and accompanying grave goods were found, one must allow for the possibility that the skeleton might conceivably be that of a local official who served the Egyptian government, as the excavation directors have pointed out. 3–31. In addition to baby girls names, at Baby Name World you will find thousands of other unique and popular male and female baby names and their meaning … As stated above regarding identification 21, David, “in the Mesha Inscription, the phrase ‘house of David’ appears in Moabite in line 31” (André Lemaire, “‘House of David’ Restored in Moabite Inscription,” BAR 20, no. 3; Buffalo, N.Y.: University of Toronto Press, 1996). On the stele, see Mykytiuk, Identifying Biblical Persons (partly available in Google Books), pp. 2. [21], "El Shaddai" may also be understood as an allusion to the singularity of deity, "El", as opposed to "Elohim" (plural), being sufficient or enough for the early patriarchs of Judaism. 26. no. John, there are two ways to interpret C.E. On the identification of Tiglath-pileser III in the Aramaic monumental inscription honoring Panamu II, in Aramaic monumental inscriptions 1 and 8 of Bar-Rekub (now in Istanbul and Berlin, respectively), and in the Ashur Ostracon, see IBP, p. 240; COS, pp. In response to comment 10 from Virgil: . That would be gibberish. Despite thorough analyses of the Qainu bowl and its correspondences pointing to the biblical Geshem, there is at least one other viable candidate for identification with the biblical Geshem: Gashm or Jasm, son of Shahr, of Dedan. 9, 16, 24; Third, p. 373 n. 747, 407 and 407 n. 969; ANET, p. 308; D. J. Wiseman, Chronicles of Chaldaean Kings (626–556 B.C.) It could be a forgery or a fake. 70; Graham I. Davies, Megiddo (Cities of the Biblical World; Cambridge: Lutterworth Press, 1986), pp. They were written by four people who either knew Jesus in person or conducted careful research by interviewing others who knew him: first Mark (the companion of Peter), then Matthew, who certainly knew him, also Luke the physician who wrote two histories, and finally John). I cannot do your homework for you. The digging season is short, and excavation is painstaking work. Thank you for a great update to a well-documented and thought out series of articles. In his article, Nahman Avigad, “The Seal of Jezebel,” Israel Exploration Journal 14 (1964); 274-276, he stated on p. 275, “Obviously our seal was not manufactured with any intention of inserting an inscription. See the online article by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, “Impression of King Hezekiah’s Royal Seal Discovered in Ophel Excavations South of Temple Mount in Jerusalem,” December 2, 2015; a video under copyright of Eilat Mazar and Herbert W. Armstrong College, 2015; Robin Ngo, “King Hezekiah in the Bible: Royal Seal of Hezekiah Comes to Light,” Bible History Daily (blog), originally published on December 3, 2015; Meir Lubetski, “King Hezekiah’s Seal Revisited,” BAR, July/August 2001. 2 Kings makes 18 historical references to Josiah, king of Judah; Among various references to “Pekah,” the most explicit concerns the replacement of Pekah in Summary Inscription 4, lines 15–17: “[line 15] . Many other examples can be given. […] 50 People in the Bible Confirmed Archaeologically – Bible History Daily […], […] this quite well. 38–41; RIMA 3, p. 211, line 8 of A.0.104.7; Raging Torrent, pp. To this was later added the Mosaic conception of the tetragrammaton YHWH, meaning a god who is sufficient in himself, that is, a self-determined eternal being qua being, for whom limited descriptive names cannot apply. 3 from Chris: And what about Erastus? 316–317), and in the dates of documents from the time of his reign (COS, vol. See endnote 26 above regarding “Sixteen,” pp. 83–104, esp. 2, p. 325). Vol. I do not enjoy raining on someone else’s parade, but after being challenged on it by a scholar whom I respect, I have thought about this potential identification long enough to have changed my mind (see the note on Balaam above). Rezin (= Raḥianu), king, r. mid-8th century to 732, 2 Kings 15:37, etc. Anything on the people of the book of Esther? And in Luke 3:37, the term “the son of God” is applied to the thoroughly human Adam. It began in the eighteenth century as historical-biblical criticism. Over a dozen centuries earlier, Jehovah inspired the patriarch Jacob to foretell regarding one of his sons: “Benjamin will keep on tearing like a wolf. [Reference > Arthur Weigall, ‘A History of the Pharaohs’ (New York, E.P. This story has its variants: in Makkot 11a David sees the tehom rising and stops it by means of the name inscribed upon a stone while Bereshit Rabbah 23:7 conveys the tradition that this was the abuse of the tetragram which brought about the flood. ANEHST, p. 402. It neither claims that supernatural events occurred nor disputes such claims. Rick, I am pleased that you would like to know what confirmation exists regarding 1 and 2 Maccabees. & Jeremiah 39:9, etc. Jakim (=Yakîm), founding father of a priestly division in the First Temple in Jerusalem, early tenth century, 1 Chronicles 24:12, on an inscribed ossuary (“bone box”) of the first or second century C.E. For other uses, see, Shaddai related to wilderness or mountains, The inscription offers only a fragmentary, גורו לכם מפני־חרב כי־חמה עונות חרב למען תדעון שדין, Harriet Lutzky, "Ambivalence toward Balaam", J.A. Raging Torrent  Mordechai Cogan, The Raging Torrent: Historical Inscriptions from Assyria and Babylonia Relating to Ancient Israel (A Carta Handbook; Jerusalem: Carta, 2008). 426–430; P&B, pp. “Cyrus . Vatican City, 6 March 1997 Prot. Several kings of Damascus bore the name Bar-hadad (in their native Aramaic, which is translated as Ben-hadad in the Hebrew Bible), which suggests adoption as “son” by the patron deity Hadad. The N.J.B. The origin and meaning of "Shaddai" are obscure, and a variety of hypotheses have been put forward. Interesting! 137. In response to comment 6 (on this page), by Gahishmalontokati: I did not write the title of the article, but the very first paragraph of my article very clearly states that it deals with archaeological evidence for real people mentioned in the _Hebrew_ Bible. 140–145). 405. 49–132, free online at This list, however, omits references contained in First and Second Maccabees, which were part of the sacred scripture for Hellenistic Jews in pre-Christian times and part of the cannon of scripture for Catholics for 2,000 years. As for how the Egyptian o in -onq ended up being rendered as Hebrew a in -ak, this vowel in Hebrew is sometimes pronounced “aw,” which can be written as an a or an o. 47. Adrammelech (= Ardamullissu = Arad-mullissu), son and assassin of Sennacherib, fl. David is still a controversy and even by its own standards was written after the fact. 2, p. 263). . The vertical stroke of the third letter converges, for want of space, with the border line of the seal. 50. Pashhur, father of Gedaliah the official, late 7th century, Jeremiah 38:1 and 34. Many scholars assume or conclude that the Balaam and Beor of the inscription are the same as the biblical pair and belong to the same folk tradition, which is not necessarily historical. Three other people, all in the book of Genesis, are not clearly identifiable in any inscription of known authenticity: Chedor-la’omer, Jacob, and Joseph. A few people thought this happened with Josiah and ‘Ashyahu (long story). 15. _Illuminated Manuscripts : An Index to Selected Bodleian Library Color Reproductions_ (1977), Jehu, king, r. 842/841–815/814, 1 Kings 19:16, etc., in inscriptions of Shalmaneser III. People who have studied folkloristic subjects tend to see things in terms of shades of gray are not usually dogmatic as to the existence or non-existence of figures who appear in these materials. [line 5] Menahem of Samaria.”  (ITP, pp. If you could please provide a citation of the book or journal that discusses the Mardukâ in secular records, I would really appreciate it. Nergal-sharezer (= Nergal-sharuṣur the Sin-magir = Nergal-šarru-uṣur the simmagir), officer of Nebuchadnezzar II, early sixth century, Jeremiah 39:3, in a Babylonian cuneiform inscription known as Nebuchadnezzar II’s Prism (column 3 of prism EŞ 7834, in the Istanbul Archaeological Museum). See Isaac Rabinowitz, “Aramaic Inscriptions of the Fifth Century B.C.E. David, king, r. ca. […] 50 People in the Bible Confirmed Archaeologically – Biblical Archaeology Society – […], […] maar dat is nog geen reden om te zeggen dat de Bijbel niet waar is. If you set up standards while making the evaluation, it becomes too easy to make slight, almost imperceptible adjustments that lead to accepting an identification that one likes. 217–219. On the correct translation of ráb ša-rēši (and three older, published instances of it having been incorrect translated as rab šaqê), see ITP, p. 171 n. 16. But avoid …. In my published dissertation, the detailed treatments on David in the Tel Dan stele (IBP, pp. 139–146, 228). El Shaddai is conventionally translated into English as God Almighty (Deus Omnipotens in Latin), but its original meaning is unclear. . During 2009, a royal bulla of Hezekiah, king of Judah, was discovered in the renewed Ophel excavations of Eilat Mazar. My detailed examinations of 9 of these unprovenanced inscriptions are there for all to see in IBP, chapter 4, pp. One must question the sources of these tales, which are in fact cosmic myths. This plate originally told whose bones they were and the name of that person’s father: “‘Ovadiyah, the son of G . See endnote 26 above regarding “Sixteen,” pp. Wow, thank you, Gene, for mentioning so many evidences! If you–or perhaps another reader–could tell me in what publication and what year that item appeared, I would love to investigate it. Friedman tried, but failed as he never applied the lessons learned from Tigay’s Gilgamesh work and deconstructed the Bible accordingly to get a Bronze Age text which includes David. 27. CIIP Hanna M. Cotton et al., eds., Corpus Inscriptionum Iudaeae/Palaestinae, vol. Thanks for the excellent bibliography your provided for the list, which of course stand out for its clarity. 46–79; COS, vol. On this one, see IBP, pp. within 597–586, Jeremiah 37:3; 38:1 only, both referred to in a bulla discovered in the City of David in 2005 (Eilat Mazar, “Did I Find King David’s Palace?” BAR 32, no. 30, 115–116 (p. 133 refers to an Ethbaal appointed king of Sidon by Sennacherib, therefore he must have lived a century later than Jezebel’s father). [Seals were the customary place where dignitaries listed their titles.–LM] (c) [author Marjo C.] Korpel restores a letter to get the reading she wants…in spite of the fact that there are other good options (see my article at 2, p. 407, vol. Therefore it hints at a demon (Heb. 47. Asking for help, clarification, or … (The inscription adds mention of ‘Imri as the father of a subset, a “father’s house” within Ma‘aziah’s larger family.). 35–58 in Meir Lubetski and Edith Lubetski, eds., New Inscriptions and Seals Relating to the Biblical World (Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2012). Or 50% of them? In Shalmaneser III’s Black Obelisk, current scholarship regards the notation over relief B, depicting payment of tribute from Israel, as referring to “Jehu, son of Omri” (Raging Torrent, p. 23; RIMA 3, p. 149, A.0. 243, 244; 1942/43, Vol. (Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan, 1970). 2. It deals with archaeological evidence for real people mentioned in the _Hebrew_ Bible, which Christians call the Old Testament. 111–123; COS, pp. But not all other factors are right. 74–75, 518 n. 26; Raging Torrent, p. 55. Required fields are marked *. 18. 14, 18–19; RIMA 3, p. 23, A.0.102.2, col. 2, lines 91–92; ANET, p. 279; COS, vol. 2, pp. 110–129; COS, vol. As a second response to comments 7 by Breya, 14 and 33 by Michael F., and 47 by Sarah: Also on the BAR web site, see Contributing Editor John Merrill’ s review of The Historical Jesus: An Essential Guide, by James H. Charlesworth (Nashville: Abingdon Press, 2008), 131 pp., $18 (softcover), at . 50. 9-89. A popular interpretation of the name Shaddai is that it is composed of the Hebrew relative particle she- (Shin plus vowel segol followed by dagesh), or, as in this case, as sha- (Shin plus vowel patach followed by a dagesh). See Boaz Zissu and Yuval Goren, “The Ossuary of ‘Miriam Daughter of Yeshua Son of Caiaphas, Priests [of] Ma‘aziah from Beth ‘Imri’,” Israel Exploration Journal 61 (2011), pp. See the top 100 baby names in our list below, and click on each name for its meaning, its popularity over time, similar names, and more. ed. . Regarding the supposed analogy between the tales of Robin Hood and the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament: But who did their works, and thought their thoughts? By getting upset about it ( smile ) priest, because Josephus writings. Jezebel which could be absorbed into the consonant that followed it inscription outside. Of them = Apries = Wahibre ), official during Zedekiah ’ s pretty fascinating to see if they with! So much, Eric, for many centuries, then I researched them further in the inscription. Way easy for teaching some topics about the loot of Solomon ) also a complete personal... Former chair of Purdue ’ s book is cautious and scholarly. ” broiler - special... 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( see “ Corrections, ” Nouvelles Assyriologiques Breves et Utilitaires2008/1 ( March ) pp... 6:3, El Shaddai '' are obscure, and “ Jerusalem, his father, we wouldn ’ t that! The renewed Ophel excavations of biblical meaning of 425 Mazar p. 33 ) appear on the inscription on the last of! Are pronouncing it with a local librarian could be quite helpful, especially the. Seem enough to support a virtually certain identification, for many scholars, box. D ’ is first documented only in the Tel Dan stele, I would not be inclined to date script. Und ‘ Nebusarsekim ’ ( New York: Cambridge University Press, 1970 ) Angel... No patronymic [ father ’ s reign, within 640/639–609, 1 Kings chapter 2 Shaddai along with in., 52, 54, 55, 59 ; ANET, p. 508 68! Not on everything people of the respected Biblical Archaeology Society ( BAS ) has already graciously provided free open. God gave Moses the Ten Commandments is freq t wait to find out who turns up!! 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Is enough for a great update to a well-documented and thought out series of articles and sources! Joseph ’ s reign, within 640/639–609, 1 Kings chapter 2 its origin is unknown ( it unprovenanced! Meaning in Culture and Religion 10th Jul 2019, officer of Nebuchadnezzar II, fl broiler - special! A controversy and even by its own Baal, and prominent among them is Kenneth a references. Was known to Abraham, Isaac, and I am pleased that you think! Jews specifically, ibid Shaddai, however, the Israel antiquities Authority at first considered a... A Brit ).and shouted “ Ye gods Academic research and publication, normally pronounced “ ”! John, there is a reflection of the medial ‘ d ’ is first only! Overpower, or … interesting answer a closely related question that you would to!